"Rise of the Ronin," developed by Team Ninja, is a PlayStation 5 exclusive action RPG set in 19th-century Japan during the Bakumatsu era. The game has received generally positive reviews, highlighting its engaging combat and historical setting.
The combat system is praised for its depth and variety, allowing players to switch between different fighting styles and use a range of weapons from katanas to firearms. The game emphasizes a balance between speed and power, with a strong focus on timing and strategic use of stamina, or "Ki" .
The game's open world is detailed and immersive, with various side activities that contribute to character progression. Players can grow their Regional Bond by completing tasks like ridding villages of bandits, which also earns them Karma and Skill Points to enhance their abilities. Additionally, the game features a bond system with NPCs, adding another layer to its narrative and gameplay.
However, some reviewers have noted issues such as inconsistent enemy AI and a lack of significant challenge from human bosses compared to other titles by Team Ninja. Despite these criticisms, "Rise of the Ronin" stands out for its historical setting, rich character interactions, and satisfying combat mechanics.
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